Corporate Social Responsibility
Anxor Ingeniería is a company committed to social responsibility by contributing to different social programs of different NGOs and communities to which we belong.
Some of our most recent contributions are: the donation granted to the “Recycle for Life and Hope” program which belongs to the Pipitos organization. An organization that works with Parents who have children of special needs. We donated recycling material on May 22 and 28, 2021, which were exported as raw material to Costa Rica and Mexico to be transformed into new products.
Similarly, we provided our contribution to the non-profit organization “Tesoros de Dios” by donating food and toys for those affected by the hurricanes Eta and Iota in the north of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua, as well as building a house. In addition, we also support the indigenous communities of Musawás in the natural reserve of Bosawás. Last but not least we also participate in the “Night to Shine” which is a celebration for people of special needs.

Quality Policy
At Anxor Ingeniería, we guarantee our clients quality products and services, in a timely manner and with leadership, adopting standardized procedures based on national and international standards, using state-of-the-art technology and continuously improving our processes.
We promote the growth and integration of our employees, we generate value for shareholders and we support the development of the region in the medium and high voltage electricity sector.
Environmental Policy
Anxor Ingeniería promotes the care of the environment as a priority for its collaborators in the performance of its activities.
Likewise, all our procedures are continuously directed to reduce the impact on the environment.
Our environmental policy establishes the following objectives:
- Optimize the use of natural resources in our operations.
- Guarantee that our activities comply with national and international laws regarding the environment.
- Respect and align ourselves with the ISO 14001 management policy and programs of our clients.
- Communicate knowledge about the environment to our collaborators and other stakeholders.
- Measure and document monthly the impacts and waste management that our activities generate on the environment.
Hygiene and Safety Policy
- Only hire personnel over 18 years of age, complying with the Labor Codes of each country in the region.
- All personnel will enjoy the benefit of being registered with the respective social security entity in each country.
- Faithfully comply with the Pre-employment and Periodic Occupational Medical Check-ups program.
- Guarantee the conditions of Hygiene and Safety at Work in accordance with the constitution of each country.
- All personnel must know and fully comply with the rules contained in the Internal Regulation of Hygiene and Safety at Work.
The use, possession and / or commercialization of illicit drugs, intoxicating beverages, as well as the inappropriate use of psychotropic or controlled chemical substances, in the development of their duties or work activities, is prohibited.
The worker who by medical prescription uses controlled medications (Anxiolytics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, strong analgesics, among others), must immediately inform the head of H & S and / or prosecutor for the implementation of the pertinent preventive measures.